Nancy Pineda’s Success Story

NancyPineda 1

I lost 23 lbs of fat!

Nancy lost 23 lbs of pure fat on minimal exercise. By adjusting her eating habits and building some fat burning lean tissue, Nancy was able to drop from a size 12 to a size 6! Nancy’s success demonstrates how we can all lose fat despite a super busy schedule.

Why did you start exercising?

I was getting bigger and my legs were weak and loose. Also, my stomach was growing! I would get out of breath racing to answer the phone, I had no energy and I had a sore shoulder.

What is your current exercise routine?

2 weight training appointments a week. Walk around the block for 20 minutes 4 or 5 times a week.

What keeps you motivated?

Hearing my friends notice I’ve lost weight and having my clothes taken in. Someone called me “slim” and that was the best!

How has NPPT helped with your success?

It has been a great experience. I HATE GYMS! I figured I would quit this like I did all the others. The friendliness, location, and style of exercise all fit me very well. I actually like going (Go Figure).

What are your long-term goals?

If I can just stay on course- not give up. Also, I would love cut arms and calves!

What advice can you offer others that are just beginning their program?

Cut out the junk food, white foods and soda. Do a little work everyday and tell your friends and family about your goals so that they can hold you accountable and support you.

Find a gym you enjoy and someone who can make it fun. Don’t replace your workout with other “busy” activities- you can always find something more urgent to do, but it will have to wait a ½ hour.

Nancy’s new motto – Embrace Hunger!

Rick Mayo


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