As a teenager it is common to be insecure about nearly everything and avoid even talking about things that are remotely embarrassing. For this reason, I was in denial about my weight for a number of years. I started working out with Alloy nearly 4 years ago, as a sophomore in high school, and although my strength improved significantly, my weight stayed almost the same as I made no effort to alter my diet and lifestyle choices. Thus, high school was a relatively unhappy time for me, and my insecurities and lack of confidence caused me to miss out on many opportunities.
Even after I graduated, I was still letting my pride get the better of me and refusing to acknowledge any problem I had with my weight. It wasn’t until after I started my first semester of college that I realized it wasn’t only my insecurities holding me back but it was my weight itself. Nothing was easy, and when I ended up actually putting on more weight, as most students do their first year in college, I hit the end of my rope. I knew I needed to man up, acknowledge the problem, and take charge.
For the entirety of my second semester, I stuck to a very specific meal regimen, with the help of a free personal health coach, and began working out regularly. I lost 50lbs in 4 months, while still at school. I avoided all of the free pizza and the Friday Night Waffles at the cafeteria, despite all of my friends’ prodding and offering. I had never been more disciplined about anything in my life, and decided to carry that disciple into the summer when I returned to Alloy to regain the physical strength I had lost over the past year at school. I am now stronger, happier, and more confident than ever!