This weekend workout is a crowd favorite – DECK OF CARDS! If you’re heading out of town, or just can’t make it into the gym, this is a great workout to use any time you need a quick workout you can do anywhere.
Complete this workout as fast as possible, taking into account your fitness level. Rest as needed.
Flip one card at a time, the number on the card is the number of reps you do of that exercise. Each suit represents an exercise:
- Hearts – Push-up
- Diamonds – 2-Point Row (using Dumbbell or Kettlebell)
- Spades – Jump Squat (or Speed Squat)
- Clubs – Jump Lunge/Alternate Reverse Lunge
Ex. 10 of hearts = 10 push-ups; 6 of spades = 6 jump squats
- Jack = 11
- Queen = 12
- King = 13
- Ace = 14
- Joker = 15 Burpees
Keep going until you have gone through the entire deck! Beginners should cut reps in half (entire deck = 104 reps).
See exercise descriptions below!