Post-Thanksgiving Workout

Now is the time to work off your Thanksgiving feast!

Just in case you overdid the turkey, dreading and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving, here is the perfect workout to get you back in your routine. Oh, and you’ll add 10 burpees for every bite of pumpkin pie you had – just kidding!

Here it is!

Round 1:
  • Single leg squats (5 rounds of 5 reps)
  • 3-point row (5 rounds of 5 reps)
Round 2:
  • Single leg deadlifts (5 rounds of 5 reps)
  • Dumbbell push press (5 rounds of 5 reps)
Round 3:
  • Inchworms (3 rounds of 10 reps)
  • Figure 8 (3 rounds of 10 reps)


Now, let’s eat some leftovers!


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