The “Weekend Minute”

Ready for the “Weekend Minute “workout?! For this workout, you need a timer (No excuses – EVERYONE has a timer on their phone!), plus a set of dumbbells (for 15 floor presses at a time) and one kettlebell (for 15 swings at a time).

At the start of each minute, you’ll start 15 reps of one exercise. You can rest for the remainder of the minute. At the top of the next minute, do 15 reps of the next exercise, and rest for the remainder of the minute. Continue this pattern until you’ve done the entire circuit 5 times – so, it only takes 20 minutes!

Be sure to warm up first (the Alloy dynamic workout, or something similar) and cool down after.

Perform as a circuit – 5 rounds 15 reps. Start each exercise at the top of each minute:

(Click on each exercise for a description and photos)

  1. Bodyweight row
  2. Kettlebell Swings
  3. Jump Squats
  4. Dumbbell Floor Press

Have fun! If you have any questions or comments, hit us up on Facebook


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