Currently, it’s estimated that over 200 million people are suffering from osteoporosis. That’s one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 years! Osteoporosis can make you feel as though you’re slowing down and lagging behind your loved ones. Your brittle bones could also leave you in pain. By developing a regimen of bone-strengthening activities, however, you can begin to feel strong again!
A properly designed exercise program can help prevent fractures and falls from occurring. Keep reading to develop your bone-healthy exercise program! With these tips, you can improve your balance, flexibility, and coordination a little more every day!
1. Speak With Your Doctor
Before you start using these bone-strengthening activities on your own at home, make sure to speak with your doctor. You might also want to consider consulting a physical therapist. They’ll let you know which exercises for osteoporosis of the spine are ideal for your condition.
A physical therapist can also help create a custom exercise routine based on your weight and current fitness level.
There’s no one single workout routine that works for every osteoporosis patient. Instead, you’ll need to develop a unique routine based on factors such as your:
- Range of motion
- Current level of physical activity
- Muscle strength
- Fracture wrist
- Fitness level
You should also let your doctor know about any other health concerns you have. These health problems could have an impact on your ability to exercise. For example, your doctor will likely consider issues such as:
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
Whether or not you have one of these conditions, it’s important to speak with your doctor first. They might also know a trained physical therapist who can develop your routine for you. A physical therapist can teach you how to use each of these bone-strengthening activities with help or at home.
They can also develop a regimen that focuses on improving your:
- Posture
- Balance
- Body function
With their help, you’ll have the techniques you need to improve your bone strength every day!
2. Weight-Bearing Exercises
Don’t worry; these exercises won’t require you to grab any heavy weights. Instead, these bone-strengthening activities are designed to help your bones and muscles work against gravity. You can complete these exercises on your feet to improve your balance.
When your bones react to the weight that’s pressed against them, they’ll get stronger.
You can split these exercises into two levels: high-impact and low-impact. Remember, the activities you use will depend on your current health.
High-impact exercises include:
- Brisk walking
- Hiking
- Jogging
- Climbing stairs
- Dancing
- Jumping rope
- Step aerobics
- Tennis
- Yard work or gardening
It’s important to remain cautious as you complete these exercises. High-impact weight-bearing exercises aren’t safe if you’re at a higher risk of breaking your bones. Make sure to speak with your doctor to determine if these exercises are safe for you.
If they’re not, your doctor will likely suggest you start with low-impact leg exercises or aerobic exercises instead. These exercises will help you avoid causing fractures. Meanwhile, you’ll still get the chance to build up bone density and strengthen.
Low-impact aerobic exercises include:
- Walking (outside or on a treadmill)
- Stair-step machines
- Elliptical training machines
- Low-impact aerobics
Have you avoided working out for a while? If so, you might want to start with these low-impact leg exercises first. Then, gradually increase the amount of exercise you complete each day.
Try to aim for 30 minutes of weight-bearing exercises each day, most days of the week.
3. Muscle Training
You’ll want to strengthen your muscles just as much as you’ll need to build up bone strength. Working your muscles can help slow the bone loss associated with osteoporosis. It can also help you avoid fall-related fractures.
Many of these muscle training exercises will involve basic moves. For example, you can stand and rise on your toes or lift your own body weight. Push-ups and squats are a great place to start.
You can also use equipment to help with your muscle training, including:
- Free weights
- Weight machines
- Elastic exercise bands
If you start using free weights and weight machines, start low. Then, slowly build up the weight.
Try to work out using these strength-training exercises every two to three days a week.
4. Nonimpact Options
Osteoporosis causes an estimated two million broken bones every year. Meanwhile, nearly 80% of older Americans with bone breaks aren’t tested or treated for osteoporosis.
After speaking with your doctor and diagnosing your osteoporosis, you might want to start with nonimpact exercises. However, these moves won’t directly strengthen your bones. Instead, they’re ideal for improving your:
- Muscle strength
- Flexibility
- Coordination
Improving these factors can reduce your risk of a fall. As a result, you’ll become less likely to break a bone despite your condition.
You can use nonimpact exercises as part of your every day routine.
Tai Chi
For starters, consider looking into the balance exercises associated with Tai Chi. These exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your legs. In addition to providing low-impact leg exercises, Tai Chi can also improve your posture.
The posture exercises will help you work against the sloping shoulders that often occur with osteoporosis patients. By using Tai Chi exercises, you can strengthen your back, improve your posture, and reduce your risk of spine fractures.
Yoga and Pilates
You might find that you prefer yoga and Pilates exercises instead. These nonimpact exercises are great for osteoporosis patients. By practicing yoga and Pilates every day, you can improve your strength, balance, and flexibility.
Some of the moves involved in these programs, however, can make you more likely to get a fracture. Make sure to avoid forward-bending exercises.
Otherwise, don’t forget to talk to a doctor or physical therapist to determine which moves you should avoid.
Don’t forget to drink plenty of water as you complete the exercises for osteoporosis mentioned in this guide!
Combating Your Osteoporosis: Bone-Strengthening Activities for Brittle Bones
Don’t let your current bone health slow you down! Instead, combat your osteoporosis with a little physical activity. By adding these bone-strengthening activities into your routine, you’ll feel stronger and healthier despite your condition!
Want to get in the best shape of your life? Contact us today to get started!