Ken Bryson

Growing up and throughout my life, sports were instrumental in keeping me physically fit ,strong and healthy. However, as I aged, annual physicals began to form small indicators of possible future problems. At age 58 while in Las Vegas on business, I began to tire while walking after leaving a meeting. Thankfully, my wife was forceful that I see my doctor.

I was then referred to a cardiologist who immediately put me in the hospital for stent implants to open two arteries that were 70 – 80% closed; followed by six weeks of a physical rehab program.

After all of that was behind me, I joined a local gym and spent most of my time on repetitive aerobics and lifting weights with results fair at best.

The turning point was when I quit that gym and discovered Alloy® Training Systems! Alloy® designed a personal training program based on my needs which were:

  • Building my core
  • Maintain a good weight for my age
  • Combination of weights and aerobics, Teaching me how to work out on my own in open gym
  • Doing proper warm ups and finishers
  • Seeing the results of my efforts
  • Multiple types of exercises so I don’t get bored.

I like the fact that this gym offers, personal training options and Team Training which were designed to accommodate all fitness levels. I also enjoy working out with the various trainers and interacting with all the other clients.

My mind and body are now working together as I mature – thanks Alloy® Training Systems!


We offer several options of personal training to meet every goal and fitness level

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