Combo Workout Exercise 2
(Each month we post a workout – one exercise per week for four weeks, culminating in the entire workout together)
The Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean to Burpee is an absolutely incredible (awful!) exercise that develops explosive leg AND upper body power, dramatically increases core strength and anaerobic conditioning; all while burning an incredibly high number of calories! You know what they say – what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger!!
Remember: The Single Arm Kettlbell Clean is AN ESSENTIAL LIFT!! You must master this life to be proficient using kettlebells! The clean is primarily a hip hinging movement that focuses more on working the glutes and hamstrings but is also incorporates many other muscles and is great for conditioning.
Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean
- Start with the kettlebell out front while in a hip hinged position.
- Keep thumb turned in and swing the kettlebell directly underneath you.
- Drive the kettlebell forward with your hips and try to keep it close to your body as it comes up.
- As the kettlebell reaches the finished position punch you hand through so it nicely wraps around your wrist.
- Place the KB back on the ground, perform a burpee, and repeat using your other arm – ex. left arm clean, burpee, right arm clean, burpee (or vice versa)
- Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet.
- Jump both feet back so that you’re now in plank position.
- Drop to a push-up—your chest should touch the floor. You can also drop to your knees here, which makes the impending push-up easier.
- Push up to return to plank position. This can be a strict push-up, a push-up from the knees, or not a push-up at all (i.e., just push yourself up from the ground as you would if you weren’t working out)—your choice.
- Jump the feet back in toward the hands.
- Explosively jump into the air, reaching your arms straight overhead.
Coaching cues
Single-Arm Kettlebell Clean (top sequence)
- Hip hinge
- Thumb in
- Zip up the zipper
- Punch through
- Engage lats and core
- Wrist straight, knuckles up
Burpee (bottom sequence)
- Feet outside of shoulders
- Squat
- Hands on ground
- Hands under shoulders
- Engage Core
- Chest touches floor
- Ankles knees hips are straight
- Arms in a Y